Predict Economic Measurements with OpenStreetMap

Nikolai Janakiev @njanakiev

Measuring Economic Growth from Outer Space

eastern europe in ligths

Henderson, J. Vernon, Adam Storeygard, and David N. Weil. "Measuring economic growth from outer space." American economic review 102.2 (2012): 994-1028.

Measurements in Economics

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Defined by the OECD as "an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross value added of all resident and instituional units engaged in production."

Big Mac Index

The Economist Magazine created the index in 1986 as an informal way of comparing Purchasing Power between currencies against the U.S. Dollar.

Human Development Index (HDI)

Composite index consisting of life expectancy, education and per capita income indicators which are used to rank countries by their human development.

Loading Data from OpenStreetMap

In [1]:
import requests

overpass_url = ""
overpass_query = """
out count;"""
response = requests.get(overpass_url, params={'data': overpass_query})
{'elements': [{'id': 0,
   'tags': {'areas': '0',
    'nodes': '82',
    'relations': '0',
    'total': '82',
    'ways': '0'},
   'type': 'count'}],
 'generator': 'Overpass API 0.7.55 579b1eec',
 'osm3s': {'copyright': 'The data included in this document is from The data is made available under ODbL.',
  'timestamp_areas_base': '2018-05-04T11:27:02Z',
  'timestamp_osm_base': '2018-05-04T12:17:02Z'},
 'version': 0.6}


  • Collect Key:Amenity data from EU and EFTA countries and cities
  • Compare and predict economic measurements with the amenity distribution

Amenity Distribution


Countries with most Restaurants per Person

barplot restaurant

Countries with most Benches per Person

barplot restaurant

Correlation between Amenities and Economic Metric

Correlation between GDP and Amenities

GDP amenity

Correlation between Big Mac Dollar Price and Amenities

GDP amenity

Correlation between HDI and Amenities

GDP amenity

Correlation between GDP and Amenities

GDP amenity

Correlation between Big Mac Dollar Price and Amenities

BM Index amenity

Correlation between HDI and Amenities

GDP amenity

Relationship between Countries

T-SNE of Amenity Distribution

TSNE countries

PCA of Amenity Distribution

TSNE countries

Relationship between Cities

Amenity Distribution of Cities in Germany and France

parallel coordinates cities

T-SNE of Amenity Distributions

TSNE cities

PCA of Amenity Distributions

PCA cities

Predict Economic Measurements with OpenStreetMap

Nikolai Janakiev @njanakiev

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